"Helicopter Parents" in Ourselves: 100 Micro Memoirs

I am lucky enough to have a non-fiction piece, ‘Helicopter Parents’, in this new release from Night Parrot Press, Ourselves: 100 Micro Memoirs. This is the first ever collection of micro memoirs (750 words or fewer) by WA writers. Night Parrot Press have been doing amazing work over the past few years and really presenting new publishing opportunities for WA writers, so I am really grateful to editors Laura Keenan, Linda Martin and Casey Mulder. I never really wrote a lot of flash fiction in the past but the publishing opportunities offered by Night Parrot encouraged me to start. The book is launching on April 20th but you can order your copy right here on the publisher’s website.
"The Off-Site Program" in the Teacher, Teacher anthology

An anthology about the power of teachers and their capacity to shape lives, edited by award-winning teacher-librarian Megan Daley of Children’s Book Daily and the Your Kid’s Next Read podcast. Featuring contributions from Jessie Tu, Tony Birch, Rick Morton, Jacqueline Harvey + many more. The power of an exceptional teacher cannot be overestimated. Sometimes it is not about what they taught you, but about how they made you feel as a person. Teacher, Teacher is an anthology of stories showcasing those brilliant educators who have nurtured, inspired, championed or created change – in one student or in a community.
You can order the Teacher, Teacher anthology here.
"Pardoned to serve His Majesty by sea: the Life of George Briggs" in the Van Diemen Anthology 2023

I'm pleased to report that my piece "Pardoned to serve His Majesty by sea: The Life of George Briggs" has been chosen as a finalist in the Van Diemen History Prize and appears in the Van Diemen Anthology 2023. Congratulations to joint winners Phillipa Moore and Terry Mulhern!
The Empire Never Ended in Traces and The Saltbush Review

I have a piece of Tassie nonfiction, ‘The Empire Never Ended’, in The Saltbush Review. This is a new mag out from the University of Adelaide. Lots of really interesting work here, all free to read! The piece also appears in Issue 20 of Traces.
New Year Island in Fruitcake Frenzy

'New Year Island' received a Highly Commended certificate in the Stringybark Short Story Award 2022. The winning and highly commended stories appear in Fruitcake Frenzy from Stringybark Publishing.
In Lutruwita in Traces and Backstory Journal

My non-fiction piece 'In lutruwita' recently appeared in Issue 16 of Traces, which is available in newsagencies. It is also available to read free online over here at Backstory Journal. This is my first piece of Tasmanian writing to see publication.
Winter Rains and Same Boat in Twice Not Shy

Travel Derangements in Van Diemen Decameron

It's Later Than You Think in Outer Space, Inner Minds
It's Later Than You Think appears in the Outer Space, Inner Minds anthology from Interactive Publications. |
Supernova Memories in SF Commentary 104

My memoir about working in a science fiction and fantasy bookstore, Supernova Memories, appears in SF Commentary 104.
Mr Agoo in Not Keeping Mum

Ray in Archipelago Volume 02

Ray appears in the second annual Archipelago anthology from Seattle publisher Allegory Ridge. Ray, set on Tasmania’s Bruny Island, is about one man’s journey as south as he can go with two small children in tow.
Ray appears in the second annual Archipelago anthology from Seattle publisher Allegory Ridge. Ray, set on Tasmania’s Bruny Island, is about one man’s journey as south as he can go with two small children in tow.
The Ballard and Super Snipe in Once: A selection of short short stories

Two of my flash fiction stories, “Super Snipe” and “The Ballard”, appear in Once: A selection of short short stories from new WA outfit Night Parrot Press. “Super Snipe” is about a love triangle involving a vintage car and “The Ballard” is my love letter to the late, great J. G. Ballard.
Two of my flash fiction stories, “Super Snipe” and “The Ballard”, appear in Once: A selection of short short stories from new WA outfit Night Parrot Press. “Super Snipe” is about a love triangle involving a vintage car and “The Ballard” is my love letter to the late, great J. G. Ballard.
Wine in Digital Writers' Festival

Ever wondered what a lonely wine bottle thinks about once the wine has been imbibed? If so, you can explore the 'Room' as part of #DWF2018 and listen to six writers' tales on the secret lives of inanimate objects.
Ever wondered what a lonely wine bottle thinks about once the wine has been imbibed? If so, you can explore the 'Room' as part of #DWF2018 and listen to six writers' tales on the secret lives of inanimate objects.
Zap! in Stories of Perth

The Centre Cannot Hold in Award Winning Australian Writing 2018

The Centre Cannot Hold, which won the 2017 Joe O'Sullivan Writers' Prize, appears in Award Winning Australian Writing 2018.
Four stories in Just Off Message: a 20th year anthology

Four of my stories appear in Just off Message: a 20th year anthology from Interactive Publications. The stories are Epoch O'Lips:, Losing Her Zen, Killjoy and The Kennedys.
Frank in Award Winning Australian Writing 2016

Frank, which won the 2015 City of Rockingham Short Fiction Award, appears in Award Winning Australian Writing 2016.
Frank in Westerly: New Creative

Frank appears in Westerly's New Creative online issue.
Hard Travelin' in Writing the Dream

A non-fiction piece about my (torturous) pathway to publication, Hard Travelin, appears in Writing the Dream.
Enter Sandman, Exit Light in Tincture Journal #9

My 'Housos vs Raymond Carver' story Enter Sandman, Exit Light appears in Tincture Journal #9.
A Void in The Great Unknown

The third Tyler Bramble story, A Void, was shortlisted for the 2013 Carmel Bird Award and is published in The Great Unknown from Spineless Wonders alongside a host of talented writers like Mark O'Flynn, PM Newton and Deborah Biancotti.
The Last First in Alien Sky

My speculative fiction story The Last First features in the Alien Sky anthology from US indie publisher Another Sky Press. The Last First is a grisly little spaceship tale which harks back to the SF of Asimov and Clarke, but which inverts the optimism expressed in the works of those earlier writers.
Blue Swirls in Tincture Journal #1

The second Tyler Bramble story, Blue Swirls, was published in Tincture Journal in March 2013. Blue Swirls sees Tyler supposedly on holiday on the 'nightmare coast' coastal town of Kilgore, where he accidentally discovers a lead in a long-abandoned child sex case.
The Dying Rain in The Tobacco-Stained Sky

My post-apocalyptic detective story The Dying Rain appears in The Tobacco- Stained Sky anthology from US indie publisher Another Sky Press. The Tobacco-Stained Sky is a spin-off anthology from the universe depicted in Andrez Bergen's novel Tobacco-Stained Mountain Goat. The Dying Rain is the first of my stories to feature down-at-heel Seeker, Tyler Bramble. Here he's sent to St Kilda to investigate the underworld dealings of the drug baron, Gabe Roshandro and his legion of Brazen-addled minions.
Discovering Philip K Dick in SF Commentary 83

My 40,000 word long article on the novels of Philip K Dick was published in 2012 in issue 83 of Bruce Gillespie's long-running SF fanzine SF Commentary. An extensive overview of the novels of this greatest of SF writers, it can be read freely here.
The Kennedys in Eclecticism Ezine #17

The Kennedys, which is set in the world of my novels Yellowcake Springs and Yellowcake Summer, was published in the final issue of Eclecticism Ezine. "The Kennedys" features Tim and Eleanor Kennedy and the town of Manjaring; here a would-be abductor comes between father and daughter, with violent consequences.
Yug's Memory in Eclecticism Ezine #16

My lighthearted time-travel story, Yug's Memory, featuring the oddly backward-sounding Yug Egdivlas, was published in issue 16 of Eclecticism E-zine. Poor old Yug is confused about a number of things, not least which way around jumper leads need to go on a car with a flat battery.
Manitee and The Remembery in Dark Edifice #1

Two of my speculative fiction stories, Manitee and The Remembery, were published in the first issue of Dark Edifice. Manitee is the oldest of my published stories; it's a dreamlike speculative fiction tale. The Remembery is newer and features an artificial intelligence struggling to make meaning of the corrupted 'rememberies' it finds around it. The Remembery was awarded a Commended Certificate in the KSP Speculative Fiction competition in 2010.
Vanish in Kurungabaa, Vol. 3 No 2

My speculative fiction story Vanish was published in surfing magazine Kurungabaa in 2011. This is a weird story about a disappearing civilisation and it takes place in WA's suburban frontier in the early 2000s.
The Ballard in Fiction on Demand

My flash fiction piece, The Ballard, won Dan Simpson's 'Book Love' competition and was published on his website in 2010. It can be read freely here.